Program coming soon
Drop-in Lessons
Sample text
The Program
This pilot program is open to students who have taken lessons with us during 2019.
youth and adults
Something else?
item 1
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Sailors will also be able to work towards their CANSail levels, (more info)
(sample text)
Something about drop in
The program will run during July and August this year, taking place on Friday evenings.
Our program is able to accommodate and develop sailors of all skill levels, from sailors new to racing to seasoned racers. Through participation in weekly sessions of coached racing and training, sailors will build skill and confidence and develop as individuals and as a race team.
Something about the boats
Something about gear
Sailors may be held from participation if their
clothing/sailing gear is not appropriate for the
Scholarships and Volunteer opportunities
Put something else here?
For more information, contact our coaching staff here
For registration, click here
Page in progress. Program coming soon