2024 Membership Details
Membership Family Individual Junior
Initiation $ 180 $ 125 $ 75
Annual $ 150 $ 90 $ 65
Annual Boat Storage Fees
Mono-hulls ......................................... $17 /foot
Multi-hulls 8’ wide & under ............... $23 /foot
Multi-hulls over 8’ wide ..................... $29 /foot
Minimum ground storage fee ........... $230
Laser/Byte in rack ............................... $190
Kayak 9’ to 14’11” ............................... $110
Kayak 15’ to 18’11” ............................. $130
Kayak 19’ to 23’ ................................... $150
SUP on rack ......................................... $110
Additional Fees
Locker Rental (if available) .................. $25
For existing members, a Late Fee of $100 applies
if fees are not paid by May 1, plus $100/month
Insurance Requirement:
All members are required to carry their own liability insurance
& coverage for their property stored at the club. (In most
cases, a standard homeowner's policy meets both of these
requirements). A "Confirmation of Insurance" form & waiver
must be signed & submitted to the club each year.
Most maintenance and repair of the facility and grounds is
done by volunteers. All members are asked to help out on
Spring Clean Up day to clean the clubhouse, pull the weeds,
paint as required, and generally get the club ready for
the upcoming season.
Family Membership:
A family membership is defined by the boat/kayak.
A 2-person boat/kayak must be a family membership.
A member storing multiple boats/kayaks/SUPs will also require a
family membership. -
A family membership is required if more than one family member
will be participating in club events. -
A family membership entitles both spouses to vote and hold
elected office.
Individual Membership:
An individual membership is for single-handed boats such as
Lasers and Bytes, single kayaks or SUPs.
If the member’s family members will participate in the SSC
racing program or social events, a family membership is required.
An individual membership entitles the individual to vote and hold elected office.
Junior Membership:
Any person who is 18 years old or younger.
A junior is not entitled to vote or hold elected office.
Boat Storage:
The boat storage fee is rounded up to the nearest foot of boat length.
Storage fees are applicable for all kayaks/SUPs and they must be stored in the racks provided. Storage of kayaks/SUPs on or under boats is not permitted.
New Members:
Full membership & storage fees are payable April 1st, and are pro-rated quarterly after that date (April 1 to June 30, July 1 to Sept. 30, Oct. 1 to Dec. 31, Jan. 1 to March 31). Initiation fees are not pro-rated.
If an individual or family joins the club the same year after participating in SSC Sailing Lessons, they will be entitled to a 20% discount for membership and boat storage for the year in which the lessons were taken. The initiation fee is not discounted.
Change of Ownership:
The club will collect the membership fee & storage fee on an SUP/kayak/dinghy only once during the season. If the SUP/kayak/dinghy fees are paid up, then only the initiation fee is due from the new owner.
Additional SUP/Kayak/Dinghy:
For a current member bringing in an additional SUP/Kayak/Dinghy, the storage fee (only) will be pro-rated on a quarterly basis. They must be stored in the assigned location, not on or under another boat.
Termination of Membership:
There will be no refund of fees if a member chooses to terminate their membership, or if a membership is terminated by the club.