Club Racing

The Surrey Sailing Club has an exciting racing season and a dedicated group of racers. Club series racing takes place on Wednesday nights from April-October and the evenings often end with a burger on the bbq and a refreshing beverage.
Throughout the season, trophy races are held a couple of weekends a month. Some of these highly coveted trophies have been awarded annually for almost 50 years.
Boats raced by club members include a number of different classes and designs. All scoring is done based on the Portsmouth handicap system.
Boat classes
All boats are welcome. We have active Lasers, Albacores, 420s, Tasars, Hobies and more; which make regular appearances at our events. Not to mention the junior sailors who keep us on our toes with their C420’s, and RS Fevas. As this is X-class racing, we use a handicapping system to measure sailing performance, no matter what boat you're sailing! SSC uses the Portsmouth system to determine ratings. You can find a list of ratings here
Questions about club member racing?


Social & Results
The best part! Weekly and trophy racing is typically followed by a barbecue and social gathering; which is open to all members, not just the racers! This is a fantastic way to get to know other members of the club. During this time, our race committee crunches the corrections. Results are announced on the day.
Series and weekly results are recorded for Wednesday Night Racing. Series scoring is takes places for Spring, Summer, and Fall seasons, as well as a yearly overall series.
Many of our trophies have been awarded annual for nearly 50 years, and are highly coveted by members. Trophy racing tends to be a little less "casual" than Wednesday Night Racing, but our racers are always happy to have new racers out and show them the ropes.
We follow the Racing Rules of Sailing. However, the atmosphere is very relaxed. Sailors come out to have fun in these friendly competitions and help each other figure out who broke what rule when. SSC members are more than willing to help new racers learn the rules and tactics.